
Stephen Brooks singing on Water Day: "Singers and players of instruments will be there" #upgrade 53

Stephen Brooks is an eco-pioneer and one of the greatest leaders on the planet of the eco-village movement, having founded Puntamona, La Ecovilla, Alegria and Eterna villages in Costa Rica. He is also a founder of Ecoversity (www.ecoversity.com) and Envision Festival in Costa Rica. In the one shot music video Stephen sings about how our societal transformation will include the voices of musicians.

This performance took place on board the La Bella Verde boats on Water Day during the Gaian Symphony UP Game. Water Day is a celebration of community and belonging.

#ibiza #future #WaterDay #upgame #community

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Fire Element Jam featuring Jurgis Did and Aura Ananda: #upgrade 54


Time Day in the UP Game opening collective death meditation: #upgrade 52